Risk Management (State Insurance)
Home > Divisions > General Services > Risk Management
State Library Building | 2800 Central Ave. | Cheyenne, WY 82002
Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (MST), Monday - Friday
Phone: (307) 777-5009 | Fax: (307) 634-0179
Note: Do not fax any claim related documents to this office. We may not receive those documents and cannot guarantee privacy of claim.
Email: ai-riskmanagement@wyo.gov
About Risk Management
The mission of the Risk Management Section (RMS) is to efficiently and effectively protect the assets and resources of the State of Wyoming, efficiently process claims against the State, and continually plan for recovery of our resources in the event of a loss.
RMS works to fulfill its mission by offering effective and efficient risk management services to State agencies and employees. This is accomplished through the proactive use of risk management and insurance program safety and loss control techniques.
The Section provides insurance coverage for all State agencies to include liability, property, and vehicle coverage.
Following are RMS’s goals and objectives:
Maintain financial stability of the State Self-Insurance Program (SSIP);
Conduct loss prevention inspections at key State properties each year to reduce losses;
Establish effective loss prevention strategies within State government to reduce losses;
Provide training for State employees such as defensive driving to help mitigate losses.