1990 Census of Population and Housing:
1990 Census of Population and Housing:
Profiles for State, Counties, and Major Cities and Towns
Profiles for State, Counties, and Major Cities and Towns
If you need detailed Census information from the 1990 Census of Population and Housing, please check the U.S. Census Bureau's website (www.census.gov) or contact us at 307-777-7504. The following profiles are also available for all cities and towns, and census geographic areas such as Census Tracts/BNAs and Block Groups.
P1 = Profile 1 -- Selected Population and Household Characteristics
P2 = Profile 2 -- Selected Social Characteristics
P3 = Profile 3 -- Selected Labor Force and Commuting Characteristics
P4 = Profile 4 -- Selected Income and Poverty Status
P5 = Profile 5 -- Selected Housing Characteristics
State and Counties (PDFs)
State and Counties (PDFs)
Cities with Population over 5,000 (PDFs)
Cities with Population over 5,000 (PDFs)
Towns with Population from 1,000 to 5,000 (PDFs)
Towns with Population from 1,000 to 5,000 (PDFs)
Links to Other Sources of Business and Economic Data
Links to Other Sources of Business and Economic Data