Purchasing FAQs

What is the standard approach to procuring supplies or services?

For supplies and services exceeding $15,000.00, competitive sealed bidding is required when the configuration or performance specifications, or both, are sufficiently designed to permit award on the basis of the lowest evaluated price in accordance with objective, measurable criteria, and when the conditions are appropriate for use of competitive sealed bidding. See W.S. 9-2-3204(b)(iv)(A).

What if the circumstances are not appropriate for competitive sealed bidding?

Two alternative approaches exist to competitive sealed bidding in the proper circumstances: competitive negotiation and noncompetitive negotiation. See W.S. 9-2-3204(b)(iv)(B) & (C).

When is competitive negotiation appropriate?

When the Administrator determines in writing that competitive sealed bidding is not feasible or practical.

When is noncompetitive negotiation appropriate?

Only when competition is not feasible as determined by the Administrator in writing prior to award and the Governor or his designee approve.

Who is the Administrator?

For purpose of obtaining the Administrator’s approval in writing, the Administrator is the Administrator of the Agency, or the person in an agency who has been granted authority to do so.

What about purchases for less than $15,000.00?

Agencies are authorized to make purchases not exceeding $15,000 (as established by the Department) without compliance with the above requirements and without prior approval of the department.

What are some common examples of competitive negotiation and noncompetitive negotiation which have been approved?

Purchases of items or services where negotiations can take place are common examples of competitive negotiation which have been approved. Dues and subscriptions are common examples of noncompetitive negotiations which have been approved.

How do I know if I need Administrator approval?

Please contact Procurement prior to committing to the expenditure and discuss the bid process. If it is determined that the expenditure is a noncompetitive negotiation per the conditions outlined in the above definitions, Procurement will direct the agency to the procurement system for registration.

Why do memberships in organizations require approval?

Wyoming Statute (W.S. 9-2-3204) states that expenditures exceeding $15,000 are subject to competitive bids. The statute does not exclude any specific types of expenditures, including memberships.

How long does the approval process take and when will I know if my request has been approved?

On average, an approval can take up to one month for approval. 

What information shall I include in my request?

All requests should include a clear and concise statement why the expenditure cannot be bid and the reason for the vendor selection. Attach all documents that will support those statements. The dollar amount, source of funding, and any pertinent attachments should also be included.

Are requests/approvals public information?

Yes. They are available under the Bid Information Center. Although each request is listed as a summary,  associated documents may be made available under the procedures outlined in the Wyoming Public Records Act.

Does this process apply to Amendments/Change Orders?

If the amendment/change order being made is the same services as the original contract, it is not necessary. If a new set of requirements is being added, please submit a request.  Please contact the appropriate buyer in the Purchasing Office if you are unsure.

If I’ve obtained quotes do I still need to do submit a request?

Yes, if the dollar amount exceeds $15,000.00. You must also upload the quotes you’ve obtained.

Who can enter a request for approval?

Each agency is responsible for designating which staff member has authorization. Please contact the Purchasing Office for assistance.

For more information about individual bids submitted by state agencies, complete a Wyoming Public Records Request in accordance with W.S. 16-4-201

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Contact the A&I Purchasing Office at (307) 777-7253.